Available only to main account holder with access from My User which will list all authorized users on your account, click on the name of the authorized user to arrive to selected User’s Profile.
Add User
Adding new users by clicking on button.
User’s Profile
The following are the service options available on the Authorized User’s Profile:
• Overview
• Lodged
• Saved/Draft
• Clients
• Jobs
• Action Tab
Set Password
Reset Password
User Permission
Create Job
i. Overview Overviewshows the Authorized user’s profile as per set up and their role and overall lodgment activity.
ii. Lodged Lodged shows all the lodged reports by this authorized user.
iii. Saved/Draft
It shows all the reports prepared and saved under their name but not lodged.
iv. Clients
It shows all the clients allocated to the authorized user.
v. Jobs Jobsshow the outstanding jobs and tasks allocated to the authorized users in working progress or upcoming.
vii. Action tab Action tabhas 6 function options:
Deactivate enables the account holder to remove the user’s license from the authorized user and deactivate their account.
Set Password
Set Password enables account holder to set the password for the authorized user
Reset Password
Reset Password command function enables the account holder to reset the password for their authorized user.
User Permission
User Permission enables account holder to set the role and responsibility for the authorized user by allocating the subscribed user’s license, select and set the roleand client access.
If the authorized user has made lodgments, account holder can only archive his profile to ensure record of lodgment is maintained as part of the compliance process. as if they have completed some lodgments , their file or record cannot be permanently removed from GovReports but will be listed under Archive Users for reference of their past lodgments and work log performed.
Create Job
Create Job is the service feature of GovReports Office Manager for the account holder to allocate a job directly to the authorized user.